8mm beads
Facilitating inner wisdom, goddess energy, tranquility and outer manifestation.
Chakras - Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Larimar is an excellent tool for individuals struggling with emotional control and expressing their true feelings. This stone stimulates and opens the throat chakra, encouraging us to communicate with our loved ones and address any issues we may be facing. It promotes a calm state of mind and allows genuine emotions to surface from the heart. By talking through our difficulties, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our needs, leading us to discover solutions. Often, our minds become clouded with unnecessary negative thoughts, hindering problem-solving. Larimar reveals our inner strength and emphasizes the importance of vocalizing the issues close to our hearts.
If you have experienced trauma and find it challenging to move forward, Larimar can provide assistance. This blue form of Pectolite soothes the emotional body and creates space for healing. Trauma lingers until we decide it's time to progress, viewing such events as opportunities to showcase our inner resilience and self-discovery. Larimar acts as a personal therapist, guiding us towards resolution, relaxation, and personal growth. Wearing it close to the throat chakra, such as a pendant, enhances the activation of this chakra and helps alleviate any anxiety held within the chest.
Larimar offers assistance to women experiencing stomach cramps in the third trimester of pregnancy, helps alleviate post-delivery pain, and may aid in preventing postpartum depression.
From a physical standpoint, Larimar proves to be highly beneficial. It assists in the treatment of cartilage and throat issues, as well as the removal of blockages in the head, neck, and chest. Additionally, alternative therapies that involve radiation or water can be further enhanced with the use of Larimar. The stone also holds potential in alleviating symptoms of bipolar disorder and addressing emotional imbalances by acting as an antidote.
Larimar has the ability to reduce infections, regulate body temperature, and decrease edema. It can provide relief for high blood pressure, stress, and other related symptoms. Furthermore, this stone can be utilized to address stress-related skin conditions like hives, rashes, inflammation, and psoriasis.
"I trust my innate power and inner wisdom."
(We cannot guarantee the expected results, all metaphysical products are based on faith, and they should never be a substitute for medical care.)