women’s modern bangle-AQUAMARINE BRACELET- courage, calming, inner power, pregnancy



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fertility, calming, courage, empathy, self expression, Soothing, Calming, Safe travel on water

CHAKRA: Throat



Aquamarine is a beautiful gemstone known for its calming and soothing energies. It is often associated with courage, and its calming effects can help reduce stress and provide mental clarity. Aquamarine is said to have a special connection with sensitive individuals, promoting empathy and understanding towards others.

This gemstone is believed to aid those feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, providing support and promoting tolerance. It can also help clear confusion, sharpen intellect, and enhance perception. Aquamarine is known to promote self-expression, soothe fears, and increase sensitivity. Additionally, it is said to strengthen intuition and open pathways to clairvoyance.

In addition to its metaphysical properties, aquamarine is also thought to have practical uses. It is often used for meditation due to its calming influence, and it is believed to shield the aura and align the chakras when worn or held.




"I allow myself to be unapologetically me, speak my truths, and be courageous in times of doubt."